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Get Outdoors, Even When It’s Cold

As fall ushers in its beautiful leaves and the start of holidays, it also welcomes back cooler temperatures and cold winds. Depending on where you live, fall can get downright cold, like winter cold. Whether your area is already frigid, or soon about to be, don’t plan on hibernating indoors until spring. The cold of fall and winter doesn’t mean you can’t go outside, just the opposite. Being outdoors in the cold seasons is just as important for you and your health as it is in the spring and summer. I’m sure everyone is familiar with being told not to go out in the cold, it will make you sick. FALSE!!  Being outdoors when it’s cold will not make you sick. In fact, it’s actually good for you. Get ready cold weather enthusiasts, this is your time to shine!!


Top 10 Reasons Why Being Outdoors In The Cold Is Good For You

Why it’s important to spend time outdoors in colder temperatures:

  • It actually makes you feel better! Daylight itself can raise your body’s level of serotonin (what we know as the chemical that helps you feel good) . Outside light boosts our mood, our ability to be alert, our level of energy, and cognitive function. Those that suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) need extra levels of sunlight, as they suffer from depression in the winter months,  a biochemical imbalance that can happen in the brain due to the lack of daylight. So, time outside in colder temperatures is actually good for your mental health.
  • You will get an important amount of vitamin D from the sun. Vitamin D is important for your body to help you absorb calcium and helps your immune system.
  • Getting outdoors and going for a walk will give you fresh air to breathe and help to boost your body’s level of dopamine (the way your nervous system transmits messages between your nerve cells.)
  • Getting outdoors and moving around, walking, can actually improve your memory. Being outside, taking in nature, and walking can actually improve your memory and your brain’s ability to remember and recall information. Exercise is the body’s own natural antidepressant.
  • Spending time in nature and outdoor exercise when it’s cold can actually boost your immune system. Being outdoors lowers your stress hormone levels and boosts your anti-cancer proteins. Exercising when it’s cold is good for your health because it helps to flush out harmful bacteria from your airways and lungs.
  • Exercising outdoors in cold weather helps us by jump starting our metabolism. In cold temperatures our bodies work harder to keep us warm, which increases our metabolic rate. The brisk cold also provides us workouts without the risk of heat related stress that is so easily prevalent in hot temperatures.
  • Getting outside puts you into your community, the chance to see and interact with other human beings and animals. Most people think of cold weather as a time of isolation, when in fact there are many that prefer to be outdoors in chilly weather. Take the chance to connect with others on your winter walks. Conversation and interaction in the great outdoors can do wonders for your mood!
  • Being outdoors gives you a much needed break from your computers, laptops, smartphones, television, and all the electronics that steal too much of our attention and lives. Disconnect and go breathe in some fresh air. Nature always plays its own beautiful music, you just have to unplug to hear it.
  • Exercising outdoors is the best way to unwind and to lower your blood pressure.
  • Cold weather outdoors is FUN!! Bundle up, go take a walk in the snow, build a snowman, go sledding, rake up a pile of leaves and jump in it. Nature provides just as much fun when the temperatures drop as it does when they rise!


The Chill In The Air Is A GOOD Thing!

Now you know the perks of winter activity, get out and enjoy it! Don’t let the cold and shorter daylight hours bring you down, let them be a season of new activity in times where you used to lock yourself indoors. Layer up, bundle up, and get out there in cold and see what you’ve been missing! Each season has its time and its purpose, and the more you put yourself outside to experience it, the more wonder you will see. Nature always has a story to tell, don’t let one day go by that you aren’t listening.



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This article is intended to provide an understanding of and knowledge about “health topics” as expressed through the perspective and research of the author. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice or counsel, including the diagnosis or treatment of any condition. Always seek the advice of your qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition, illness, or treatment of any listed or non-listed situation above. By using this site, you signify your assent to our Terms and Conditions.


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